What Do I Need ?

“The earth has enough for everyone’s NEED, not for everyone’s GREED.” - Gandhi

This statement appears even more true today than ever. The simple reason is that everybody today is thinking of ways to accumulate more wealth. The result - rich gets richer, poor gets poorer.

Let us take...

Wise Or Dead ?

Deep in a Cameroonian forest, there lived a stink ant (let’s call him Uno) in a colony of thousands of fellow-ants. One day, when all its neighbors were busy working on their regular chores of gathering and storing food, building new areas of their colony and other such menial tasks,...

Who Stole My Dough ?

I heard people narrating stories about how they lost money invested in the stock markets and used to think that they were just a bunch of idiots who invested their money unwisely and blame the entire system for their stupidity. After all (as mentioned in several books) buying stock...

Who Causes A War ?

Every time there is a war we hear people on both sides arguing why the other side is wrong. We also hear third-party comments on who is to blame. So it is important to analyze who caused the war to prevent further wars.

This is all good. But I...


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