Aham Brahmasmi - Super Ego or Self Realization ?

One of the Mahavakyas from Vedas is “Aham Brahmasmi” from Yajur Veda. This is supposed to be the highest form of meditation. This also resonates with the Advaita Vedanta preached by the great spiritual leader Adi Sankara

This means “I am Brahman”, which loosely means “I am God”. It requires...

Banker's Rounding - VBScript Round Function Does Not Always Round Up

I was using VBScript’s Round function to validate data on an excel sheet. It was giving incorrect results, saying many perfect rows were incorrect. Tried all possible fixes and finally realized it is unfixable.

Reason: VBScript does not always round up.VBScript uses algorithm called Banker’s Rounding.

See the links below...

Single Line If Condition In VBScript

One of the statements most used by a test automation engineer is the ‘If’ statement. We use it for pre-conditions, script logic, post-conditions, reporting and everywhere else. One problem that is associated is it affects readability sometimes a little and sometimes a lot. One If-Else condition uses up 5 lines...

Find Number Of Days In A Month In VBScript

One interesting function I needed was to find the number of days in a particular month. Turns out this is more complicated than it sounds. I found an elegant solution online:

Dim numDays numDays = Day(DateAdd("d", -1, CDate((desiredMonth + 1) & "/01/" & Year(Date))))

You just go to the first...

Prevent QTP From Adding Unnecessary 'End Function' Statements

QTP is sometimes quirky. One that I encountered is that it adds End Funtion statements that I don’t need while I am trying to define the function.

Let me explain further. I have my own quirk which led me to realize QTP’s quirk. When I define a function I leave...


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