Automating A CSV File Using Excel Object Model

We come across csv files in testing all the time. Usually they are treated as text files for automation. But they can be automated like Excel files just as Windows opens them using Excel.

This is very helpful in some situations, and the way to do it is very simple....

Problem Steps Recorder (Windows7) - Awesome Tool For Manual Testing

Recently came across an amazing tool - Problem Steps Recorder. This comes built in with Windows 7. This can be seen under All Programs > Accessories > System Tools:

What this tool does is to take a screenshot every time you perform a click after you start recording....

Debugging An Automated Business Process Test

Ever since I started using BPT, one of the pain points has been to effectively debug my BPT test.

Yes, we can pause the run and start debugging by stepping into the code. But once the current component is executed and a new component is loaded, we need to pause...

Running BPT Automated Tests In Normal mode

BPT Automated tests run in Fast mode by default, reasonably so. The test execution performance is far better in this mode. I wanted to make it run in Normal mode for 1 run for observing the run on a slow application. But I could not see an option to do...

Let Us All Dream Of A Great Nation - One World

A country and its culture is a manifestation of the dreams and aspirations of the people that inhabit its boundaries. So understanding a national culture is essentially understanding a national idea.

Unfortunately a national idea is alive and kicking before a country is born. Once the country is formed and...


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