Cool Feature! - Yahoo Mail

Log in to Yahoo Mail once, default state of “Keep me signed in” checkbox is unchecked.
Log in again, default state is now checked.

Great usability scenario in my book.

Running Manual BPT Tests - Invalid Error Shown By QC

We use QC 10 and seeing the capability of creating BPT components for manual testing, we quickly adpated and started creating manual business components and manual tests using these components. But quickly hit a roadblock when we tried executing these tests.

An error message was displayed on clicking on Run...

Enjoy What We Do OR Do What We Enjoy ?

I have heard the statement, “The secret of happiness is enjoying what we have to do” many times. I wonder if this is possible at all. But this question essentially contains in it a more important question - can we be happy at all?

Some people have it easy -...

Life Is What You Call It

Life brings joy and we laugh
It brings sorrow at which we scoff

Both are true, but for a moment
Why spend more time, in joy or torment
Both come uninvited, both go away too
Let them not leave any marks on you

Laugh too much and your stomach will...

Living On Purpose - Why We Have Rituals !

What is the purpose of life - probably the most important, investigated and introspected question of life. It should be. For none of our actions have a meaning without knowing the answer to this question.

But it is also the most elusive question, the answer to which escapes all. The...


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